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  • Introducing the FEATURED 5IVE program

Showcase your warehouse to over 20,000 Warehowz database members!

This is a new opportunity to PUSH your warehouse listing out to our own internal list. Each week, we will feature 5 warehouses in an email that will be sent on Monday and Thursday.

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Weekly Emails > View Sample

2x Weekly Featured 5ive email sent to over 20k Warehowz database members.

Landing Page > View Sample

Each featured listing has a landing page to showcase their specific facility.

Contact Form

Each landing page has contact form that is sent to Warehowz sales team into SFDC.

Project Spec

Warehowz sales exec contacts shipper to gather and complete project spec form.

Quote Request

Warehouse receives project spec form for quoting. The form is ONLY sent to you.

Quote Sent

A quote is then shared with the Shipper for them to review for approval.

We Provide You A Landing Page Where Shipperz Can Request Quotes

All quote requests that are submitted through this program are yours to exclusively bid!

  • Personalized landing page

  • Up to 10 photos to include about your warehouse

sample landing page

our packages

choose a package & get started

Package #1


This package also includes video to add to your own personalized landing page.

  • Top email position

  • Jumbo hero photo

  • 50-word description

  • Linked landing page

  • 10 photos on page

Package #2


Additional photos can be added for $100 each, as well as video for an additional $200.

  • Position 2 of email

  • Standard size photo

  • 20-word description

  • Linked landing page

  • 3 photos on page

Package #3


Additional photos can be added for $100 each, as well as video for an additional $200.

  • Position 3 of email

  • Standard size photo

  • 20-word description

  • Linked landing page

  • 3 photos on page

Package #4


Additional photos can be added for $100 each, as well as video for an additional $200.

  • Position 4 of email

  • Standard size photo

  • 20-word description

  • Linked landing page

  • 3 photos on page

Package #5


Additional photos can be added for $100 each, as well as video for an additional $200.

  • Position 5 of email

  • Standard size photo

  • 20-word description

  • Linked landing page

  • 3 photos on page

Join our featured 5 today!

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